Friday, July 4, 2014


Look, here's the thing...
You are being led down the yellow brick road to nowhere.
I feel really sorry for your deception, "Thou shalt not truly die."
Don't you know that the Book talks about you and your achievements,
Delusions of grandeur?!!!

I do not know how to say this LOUD enough for you to truly hear; 
BUT the things that you seek [this version of eternal life]
 Independently of the Author,  whose authority you seek to usurp,
Will see to it that IF you do, you will wish that you had not 
Altered your DNA!!!

You see, O foolish ones, here's the thing...
Our Lord, is a Shepherd of sheep, 'that's it and that's all!'
On that day when He separates the sheep from the goats,
It won't matter how much you talk, grovel, & beg for His mercy!
It won't matter if you helped the poor, fatherless, or widows;
You want to know why, O foolish ones?
Because you became a GOAT, you made your transmuted flesh 
Become utterly irredeemable!!!  
Why would you do that?!!!!

The dude you're following [you call him lord] 
knows the truth and he won't tell you;
I realize that he has shown you wonders of the world!
He's made a 'name' for himself, right?
The secrets he's revealed cannot be denied, and so on and so forth...BUT
Did he not fail to mention that his 'reign' has an end-date?
Guys, it's a six-day rule, that's all!!!  1-2-3-4-5-6.

I don't know what more to say to you; it is so sad to witness this ...
If only you were allowed to read the Book yourselves, 
You would see your own profiles being described so clearly!
I pray you are not the one who has to live through
The WRATH that is coming.
Do not let it be said of you that it was too late--it is not too late.
Only remember, Our Lord is a Shepherd, 
Not a GOAT-herder!!!

Monday, June 30, 2014


               TO BE LIKE A CHILD IS…
                TO TOLERATE
                                                        TO BE RECEPTIVE

Thursday, June 26, 2014


The year is moving right along…sooo fast.  The weeks come and goes…feels like one long day.  Stormy weather, stormy world. 

I just wanted to share a ‘dream’ I had during one of these recent June storms [about a week or two ago].  This one was a doozy too; it certainly got my full attention. 

It happened between 5:30 am-6:00 am.  I had just lain back down from making coffee, making lunch, & seeing hubby off to work.  I could not have fallen back to sleep so quickly—I was awake and aware of what was going on around me, for sure.

This is what I heard: 
The storm began to pick up intensity. The wind and  thunder, getting louder, angrier even.  It was so atypical, I can barely describe it.  But it was not like any other I had ever experienced.  It was what I could hear within the storm that especially made me take notice.  Someone, some force, some voice was yelling loudly, shouting into the storm.  The words were inaudible yet in earnest.
Now this is what I saw:
Our planet, the earth, encircled with darkness [not storm clouds]; engulfed with something dark, heavy, thick, & ominous.  Then I noticed the one who had shouted at the earth! 
His hands were able to clutch the earth like you would a basketball/soccer ball; He was that looming. 
He was indescribably colossal compared to the size of earth for his hands to be able to do that. 
He could crush the earth between his hands, seriously!  At the time, I was not able to tell who he was?  Was he friend or foe?
He was wearing head gear, ancient, warrior-like.  It was not at all modern.  It was a dull [not polished] bronzed, smooth helmet, pointed at the top; sort of like those Mongol nomad tribes [ancient warriors] always ready to fight. 
I was the shaking kind of scared…
But in the midst of all of the emotion he stirred up within himself and within me, all of a sudden he ‘stood down’.  He simply put his hands down in front of him and turned his head slightly away from his target, as if on standby waiting for further instructions. 
Again, I repeat, He [I believe an Archangel] shouted something so thunderous that it shook the earth to the point that I felt it!  I mean like ‘flip a pancake’ type of felt. 
Please understand, I’m from the Midwest, do we have quakes now??? Or what?
For the record, I wish that I was more articulate in order to paint a better pic of what I saw, but just know and understand that our God says plainly that He is a “MAN OF WAR”—those are His own words. 
Those who would dare destroy this earth BEWARE!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dear Father,

Thank You for making us a part of the Body of Christ.  It is a true Mystery of many mysteries in Your Kingdom:
That holy Breath that You breathed into us;
The grafting of the Gentiles;
The foolishness of the gospel;
The simplicity of salvation;
Everything is mysterious and glorious.

Many members, yet One;
One purpose.
Christ is Head, we are the Body.

We must follow the Head;
 Move accordingly as He dictates;
 Learn to take dictation;
 For we are living epistles known and read of men. 

Although war is everywhere;
You are Faithful to make Yourself known;

Standing at the door;
Longsuffering, Gentle and Kind;

It is our Father’s wish that no one perishes as a casualty of this war.

You went so far as to bind the strongman that entangled us;
Giving us a space to answer Your call willingly;
 Now we know that the strongman has been taken captive;
 And all of us that have been captivated are set free forever;
 Free to choose which dictates of our own hearts to follow;
All other cares do not matter—
must see TV, celebrity updates; social media,  
food/clothes, new technology, mammon,
recession/depression, world news, Wall Street politics, or bygone eras. 

These cares hinder me. 
It is enough! 
I care about truth. 
Another kingdom. 
Too many cares in this world to carry,
Or to care about. 
Everything I carry with me,
I’d spend too much time trying to keep up with.
Jesus said to pack light—
no staff, no scrip, no bread, no money,
nor two coats, and no extra shoes,
nor money in your purse. 

We are led in a right way through the dictates of Jesus Christ. 
Jesus lived in righteousness so I know that He knows the way. 
And ALL that would attempt to exalt themselves above His way
will be made as plain as a plowed field, severed until leveled.

Thank You for answering my prayers. 


Monday, May 26, 2014

THIS is NOT a DRess reHEARsaL !!!

The Four  Horses are Riding...

yet here we wait, watching & looking...

for what?  the future? A seven year itch...


Can you not see that Jesus Christ  is at the doors,

sword in hand?


I AM WILLING, are you?

When the floods, famine, sword, flames, locusts, along with the "kitchen sink" comes

Will you save your life or lose it?

DEATH is the DOOR we must go through, that has no longer a sting.

Do not be afraid, only believe that Life is waiting to meet us on the other side.

*Believe me, I know this is hard to hear; it is hard for me to write.  But It is what awaits [even if there is a rapture to look toward, there will be shedding of this flesh from death to life, so don't be too alarmed when death is mentioned as an option--it is the Way

Monday, May 19, 2014

Father, I thank You for nourishing my soul.  For being the Author and Finisher of my faith.  I pray that my household will overcome in the end, as sacrifices of obedience to You, in whatever capacity, volume, vocation, craft, or appointment that You commission us to do in THIS life.  For it is You who gives us abounding grace to help us in every work—the will to do.  This is wonderful news! 

I tarry at Your feet and wait to hear from You.  I watch, observe and expect, while I wait, ready and available.  Putting on forgiveness; pulling off resentment.  Realizing that every creature of God is good.  No distractions!  Pull off!  Put on! 

I will judge no one at any time since their true value is hidden in God.  Let me instead devote my thoughts & efforts to diligently apply a good message of the basic facts of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  Let me carry my “cross” and follow closely after Christ.  Holy Spirit will help me.  Those things that be not, will be soon. Redemption is nigh! 

Like the time just before the break of day, the last dusk of night brimming before morning comes.  It is that time for this world.  Please help us to know it before it is too late.  Before it is finished! 

In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, May 12, 2014

And for this we give You praise!

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth that I live in.  I lift up my hands to the Lord, the most High God.  The Possessor of heaven and earth.  I call, christen, the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God—I Am that I Am.  For I shall worship, respect, no other god.  For the Lord, whose name is Jealous is a jealous, protective, God.  The Eternal God is my refuge, safety, and underneath are the everlasting arms.  God is the Father which art in heaven of my prayers.  Almighty and Holy.  The Comforter of those who believe in and please Him.  Compassionate Creator of us all and of all things.  Faithful and filled with Goodness, giving good gifts into my bosom that I do not have the room to receive them all.  Your love is as strong as death, a consuming fire.  Immutable, absolute.  Impartial, neutral and nonpartisan, as regards Jew or Greek, male or female, black or white, rich or poor, circumcision or no circumcision which is religion with traditionsNone of these things move God.  Your hope is to all.  Your longsuffering is to all.  Your love and mercy is for us all.  God, You are all of these things and more:  omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, perfection, preserver of all things.  Your presence is in all things.  And Your providence, divine guidance, is great and righteous&just.  God, You are our Savior and mighty Sovereign, a Spirit full of Truth and Wisdom whose Word is inspired, eternal, and capable of infinite good works.  You are the most powerful of kings or kingdoms, superior, higher, among saints with eminence& renown.